Often through collaboration with other organizations, students at AJC have opportunities to participate in a wide variety of programs and experiences that extend their learning and development outside of the structure of the typical classroom. While programs and activities vary from year to year, below is a listing of the current offerings:
- Boys to Men – mentoring group for 8th grade boys; programming occurs at AJC
- Art for the Journey – weekly art classes for all grades; outdoor classes for 4th & 5th grade, virtual classes for grades 6th-8th
- Violin lessons for 4th-6th grade students
- Kids in the Kitchen – program for 7th grade girls to promote healthy lifestyle choices, sponsored by Junior League of Richmond
- Minds in Motion (Richmond Ballet) – a weekly dance program for the 4th grade class that teaches choreography and teamwork; occurs at AJC
- SwimRVA – weekly swim lessons for the 4th & 5th grade classes at the Boys & Girls Club Salvation Army pool in the neighborhood
- Free Breakfast and Lunch for all students.
- School-wide Wellness Policy